dissabte, 23 d’abril del 2011


Easter is a religious celebration which commemorate the death and the resurrection of Jesucrist. Every year the dates of the celebration change. This year is on the end of April. We, the catalan students are on holidays since 16th to 25th of April.

I believe in God, but I don't realize religious activities, because of that I make the most of my holidays to enjoy at maxium and try to have a rest a littel before the end of the course. But, I will have to organized very well my valued time, because it seems that the teachers of my school don't know that we have social life..

First of all, Saturday 16th of April I will celebrate my birthday with my friends, but after the party I 'll try to finish all my homework by wednesday. Then I will read during the week three books: Decline and Fall, Mirall Trencat and Nietzsche. Finally, I hope that I could study by my next exams at weekend 23th.

Moreover, I play at football team, and this week I have to play two football matches, because I have one outstanding. As you can see, I have a lot of things to do, but I don't have enought time.

Because of that, my last solution is
pray that everything turns out all right.

All we have to do is learn to cultivate the sun

The fossil fuels are resources not renewables. Some day, it will be dying out and we will have to look for some correct solution. If we think, we will find a solution. We need to use a renewable energy.

As everybody know, the sun is a perfect solution, because the energy that provide is very big. Because of that, all we have to do is learn to cultivate the sun. With them, we will live with energy until the Earth finished, because without sun, don't exist the life like we know...

The solution seems very easy, but there are a lot of complications. First of all, we have to invent a new form of store big quantity of solar energy, because nowadays is insufficient. Second, we have to call for everybody to try to realize a big change on our lives to get it. Because there are a lot of people who have a lot of interest against the topic.

Because of that, we'll have to start a new project on the area of education for instill to everybody this spirit of change. If we don't realize this big effort, we won't keep up our quality of life.

divendres, 15 d’abril del 2011

Formal letter

128 C7Requesens
World Nuclear Association 12th April 2011
PO Box 958
W1X 54K

Dear Mr Ritch

I am writing in order to explain some different point of view about the problem of nuclear power station on Japan. Moreover; I would like to offer to you some solution.

First of all, I think that everybody has to k now what really happens in there. Currently, nobody knows what kind of problem happens. Then we will decide a social-economic plan to achieve repair the nuclear power station. Second, it is very important to realize several medical test to all people who ask form it Finally, we will have to think about a solution to get that this kind of catastrophe do not happen again.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely

Javier Gorzona.