On the accountement about the qualification to the Eurocope 2012 between Italia vs Servia, 19 football fans were arrest in the football match when the servians fans had been fighting with the police and italians fans.Moreover they had introduced fireworks on the stadium.
Because of that European football's governing body, Uefa, is thinking about the extreme situation to decide the disciplinary mesure to the national servia's team.
Because of that European football's governing body, Uefa, is thinking about the extreme situation to decide the disciplinary mesure to the national servia's team.
Some of importants organism of the football world are very angry with this kind of actions, which happens to many times in Servia. Because of that they want to impose a several punishment to the national team.
It is important that this kind of accountement doesn't occur another time on the future, because the beauty of the sport is very damage. And as you know, the football is the mirror of a lot of children.
It is important that this kind of accountement doesn't occur another time on the future, because the beauty of the sport is very damage. And as you know, the football is the mirror of a lot of children.