The definition of the winter is: the season of the year that starts on the 21st of December until 21st of March. In this period of the year the nights are longer. The temperatures are lower.
The winter in Spain:
In Spain the winter on comparance to the rest of Europe isn’t cold, but this change depends on the zone. For example the temperature change a lot between Canarias and Castelló d’Empúries.
For example the prediction of this week in Castelló is:
The winter in Spain:
In Spain the winter on comparance to the rest of Europe isn’t cold, but this change depends on the zone. For example the temperature change a lot between Canarias and Castelló d’Empúries.
For example the prediction of this week in Castelló is:
And the prediction for Canarias is:
In the table you can see the very big difference between the two places. As you can see the temperature minium in Canarias is as the maxim in Castelló.
The winter in my opinion:
For me the winter is a very nice season because there are the Christmas parties, but in general I don’t like this season because it is very cold, a lot of days it’s raining and the night comes very early.
The winter in my opinion:
For me the winter is a very nice season because there are the Christmas parties, but in general I don’t like this season because it is very cold, a lot of days it’s raining and the night comes very early.

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