dilluns, 31 de maig del 2010

We have almost learnt to respect our world. Do you agree?

In Spain the major part of the population doesn’t respect their country, as you can see in the streets. In my opinión, unlike in others countries such as England, France, etc we don’t have enough environmental conscience, because of that, I think that we haven't learnt to respect our world yet.

First of all, I think that one of the reasons is the education which our children receive at school, where there are a lot of children who break a lot of things, waste schoolar’s material, etc and the teachers don’t say anything. This point is a key factor to learn to respect our world, and it is important to learn that as soon as posible. Intending to change the behaviour of the population is an impossible thing, but teaching our children is possible.

Secondly, this section is related to the first, because another Fac., which we don’t put into action but that I think could be good to respect our world consists in changing the law. With this form the people who don’t respect the country could be fined: like in France where if the police see you throw away a chewing gum, they can fine you.

To sum up, I would say that we haven't learnt to respect our world yet, because in Spain there is no environmental conscience, but if we start with simple things, as I said befote, we could achieve something.

Víctor Rosillo

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