Some years ago, my parents played with balls, toys, and a simple things. They were very happy with them. But, the technology is very fast, and now, the children don't play with simple things, they play with video games. In my opinion, it is very negative because the feelings that you can fell on the streets are very different as on a chair in front of a computer.
When I was little, the video games are very unusual and I enjoyed a lot with a football match with my friends...but a few years ago, everybody had a computer, I'm too. Then, I started to play to video games and I didn't go out approximately by one month. It was a small period of time because I was very "strong" but there are a lot of people that always are playing with a video games. They are into a bad habit.
Because of that I think that computers are very useful because we can do a lot of things that we couldn't do before, but with a lot of measure.
I hate video games, I use to play with my friends when I was 10, but we prefer go to the park and just play football, run, etc. But nowadays this problem becomes so serious because I can see a lot of children fat, and when I was a child it doesn't happen. The last time that I play in a computer or Playstation was 8 years ago.