Sufre Mamon is a very famous song of Hombres G, a Spanish pop rock band formed in 1982. The band consists of the singer, David Summers, Rafael Gutierrez and Dani Mezquita the guitars, and Javi Molina the drummer.
This song talks about a boy who is in love. But the girl of his dreams is with his enemy. Because of that he is very angry and decides to recover his love and revenge of the rich and posh boy. It seems the typical romantic song, but it is very especial for me, because is the first song that I listen on a party.
Because of that, when I want to remember last periods of my life I listen it. Actually, I don’t like it so much the song, but as it has a special meaning for me I consider it my favorite song. A different way to be happy by an instant.
Victor this song is my favorite of hombres G. there are much feelings in the lyrics!
ResponEliminaI remember when you alex and I went to caraoke to sing this song jaja it was a funny moment :)
I agree with your comment Ignasi. I think that is a interesting song and I hope that we will go to the Holliwod's pub and we will sing this song again.
ResponEliminaThis song is very old but is fantanstic and I know that is your favourite Víctor.
See you later!!